Europol’s director, Rob Wainwright, stated in 2017 to The Times that TG “creates significant challenges” for counterterrorism operations, “offering some cooperation, but nowhere near what we get from Meta, X, and others.” — The Times, “How Wild West Ethics Made Telegram a Home for Disinformation.”

▪️Telegram is the Wild West of social networks, where almost anything goes. The encrypted app prides itself on championing the freedom and privacy of its users. Terrorists, extremists, and drug traffickers gather under its protective umbrella. ▪️Police and governments have expressed frustration over the platform’s reluctance to cooperate with authorities compared to other social networks. Recently, Telegram facilitated the spread of unrest in the UK after a stabbing in Southport. Users circulated provocative images, urging far-right supporters to take to the streets. ▪️Durov fled Putin’s Russia after a fallout with the authorities. At a tech conference in San Francisco, he said, “Privacy is ultimately more important than our fear of bad things like terrorism.” Nonetheless, some Russian government officials have used Telegram for communication. ▪️The app gained infamy as the favored social network for ISIS to promote propaganda, recruit, and control young people. ▪️Europol’s director, Rob Wainwright, stated in 2017 to The Times that Telegram “creates significant challenges” for counterterrorism operations, “offering some cooperation, but nowhere near what we get from Facebook, Twitter, and others.” ▪️Former French intelligence chief Patrick Calvar said that Telegram is the primary network used by terrorists. ▪️Telegram remains a haven for extremists. The “Patriotic Alternative” group, which Michael Gove accused of promoting neo-Nazi ideology, has about 7,000 followers, and its leader Mark Collett, a Hitler admirer, has nearly 20,000. They are banned from platform X (formerly Twitter). ▪️Telegram was used by Joe Marsh, the organizer of “Patriotic Alternative,” also known as Joe Butler, after the child murders in Southport, to rally users to join a “protest demonstration.” The event’s online flyer featured an image of a bloody handprint. The demonstration escalated into a mass attack on a mosque and the police. In one Telegram chat, users shared police movement information and discussed potential targets. ▪️Fortune magazine dubbed Telegram “an app for finding heroin, guns, and anything illegal.” ▪️The app provides three opportunities for malicious behavior. Secret chats are protected by end-to-end encryption. Users can create channels to post extreme materials with minimal censorship. Groups are formed where like-minded individuals can be bribed and recruited. ▪️The BBC reported that pedophiles use Telegram to provide access to child abuse content. Telegram claimed that user reports about child images are typically handled within an hour and that it proactively seeks to prevent platform abuse. ▪️In 2018, Telegram was briefly banned from Apple’s App Store due to users sharing child abuse images but was reinstated within hours. Apple stated that fixes had been made to prevent such content from reappearing. ▪️Britain’s most racist YouTuber, James Owens, exposed by The Times under the pseudonym “Ayatollah,” joined the public celebration on Telegram when three black England players missed penalties in the Euro 2021 final. ▪️Tahra Ahmed, imprisoned for racial hatred at the Old Bailey after an investigation by The Times, founded the Telegram channel Freedom Festival. It promoted such extreme anti-Semitic propaganda that he even claimed Hitler was “a puppet of the Zionists.” submitted by /u/XGramatik [link] [comments]

Investors’ expectations for European inflation fall to lowest since 2022

Inflation expectations in Europe have dropped to their lowest in nearly two years, signaling investor confidence that central banks can reduce interest rates without sparking inflation. The eurozone’s five-year forward inflation swap has dipped below 2.1%, while the UK’s equivalent has fallen to 3.2%. This shift reflects a growing focus on recession risks rather than inflation, with global demand, especially from China, slowing down. However, analysts warn of potential long-term inflation pressures due to demographic changes and fiscal demands. A little bit of positivity in the European market. There seems to be some confidence in the resilience and strength of the current world economy. What do you think about that? submitted by /u/dll_crypto [link] [comments]

Russian officials were ordered to delete conversations in Telegram.

The Russian Telegram channel Baza, which is closely connected to law enforcement agencies, reported that employees of the presidential administration and the Russian government, as well as staff from certain security agencies, were instructed to delete their work-related conversations in Telegram. A similar order was reportedly given to high-ranking officials in the Russian Ministry of Defense and some major businessmen. Pro-government propagandists in Russia refer to Telegram as “the main messenger of the current war” and “an alternative to secure military communication.” submitted by /u/XGramatik [link] [comments]

Bank of China President Liu resigns, chairman to be acting president

BEIJING (Reuters) – Bank of China Vice Chairman and President Liu Jin resigned for personal reasons effective on Sunday, the bank said. The state-owned lender said in a statement that its board had approved Chairman Ge Haijiao to serve as acting president. Liu, 57, has held senior roles at major Chinese banks, including ICBC[ ICBCA.UL] and China Development Bank. He served as president of China Everbright (OTC:CHFFF) Bank before joining Bank of China as vice chairman and president in 2021. submitted by /u/Lor1al [link] [comments]

How messed up is the US housing market?

New homes are now going for $3.50 LESS per square foot than old ones—the biggest gap since 2005. The median price per square foot for an existing home? $213.20. For a new build? Just $209.70. In the last 6 years, existing home prices have gone ballistic, skyrocketing 70%, while new home prices “only” jumped 50%. Homebuilders are throwing discounts like candy, while homeowners, stuck with their sweet low-rate mortgages, aren’t budging. With an average mortgage interest rate around 4% (despite current rates hovering at 6.5%), who can blame them? When old costs more than new, you know the market’s gone off the rails. submitted by /u/FXgram_ [link] [comments]


submitted by /u/XGramatik [link] [comments]

The court sided with the SEC in the case against Kraken.

On 23 August, the court rejected Kraken’s motion to dismiss the SEC’s charges. Earlier, the regulator accused the crypto exchange of operating without a licence and violating the Securities Act. The date of the next trial is set for 15 October. submitted by /u/Lor1al [link] [comments]

U.S. oil and gas production will continue to grow over the next 15 months, reaching a new record of 14 million barrels per day for oil and 1,175 billion cubic meters per year for gas, according to forecasts from the U.S. Department of Energy. The primary growth driver is the Permian Basin.

This massive field is the main source of new records in U.S. oil and gas production. The graph shows that other fields are stagnant: they aren’t even attempting to reach 2019 production levels. However, relying on the Permian comes with an obvious risk that U.S. oil companies are forced to accept. Production here is highly sensitive to price fluctuations. The graph shows that the primary impact of the 2020 cuts was felt in the Permian Basin. The second, repeatedly mentioned risk: any field will eventually run dry; the Permian cannot be drilled indefinitely. When the Permian reaches its production plateau, it will become a powerful catalyst for global oil price growth. submitted by /u/XGramatik [link] [comments]

Eni has completed a deal to sell its oil assets in Nigeria to Oando for $783 million, marking a significant shift in the country’s oil industry.

This move follows similar asset sales by other major companies such as ExxonMobil, TotalEnergies, Shell, and Equinor, which are also divesting their onshore and offshore assets to local firms. These transactions come amid years of issues with oil spills, theft, and sabotage in the troubled Niger Delta region, which has significantly reduced Nigeria’s oil production. In July, the country’s oil output stood at 1.46 million barrels per day, well below its potential capacity of 2.2 million barrels per day. submitted by /u/XGramatik [link] [comments]

Organizer of a $4 Billion Crypto Pyramid Scheme Arrested in Turkey

A Swedish citizen, Andreas Sakacs, was arrested in Turkey on suspicion of being involved in the operation of the OmegaPro cryptocurrency pyramid scheme, which was launched in 2017 and caused investors to lose approximately $4 billion. Reportedly, the tip-off to the police came from a Dutch citizen who personally lost $7 million in the project and now represents 3,000 other investors whose total investments amounted to around $103 million. OmegaPro stopped withdrawals at the end of 2022 and fully ceased operations in July 2023. The project’s capital is allegedly linked to OneCoin, one of the largest crypto pyramid schemes in history. submitted by /u/FXgram_ [link] [comments]