Advice from Outsiders, Sellers of Algo Robots, and Other Scammers

Before we delve into the topic, let’s immediately debunk a common myth that has taken root in many people’s heads. It must be said that the popularization of this myth is facilitated by all sorts of schemers, would-be managers, “traders” who promise people tens of percent in annual returns, and sellers of algorithmic robots who calculate profitability not in years, but in months and even weeks.

So, a financial advisor cannot outperform the market—no more than you can yourself. If you happen to find a manager or a fund that genuinely gives you some alpha and does so consistently year after year, just consider yourself very lucky. Now I’m not talking about everyday luck, but about the fact that you must understand: profitability above the market is most often explained by luck, and not by the skill of the manager. Yes, their advice or market perspective may be correct for several years in a row. And if you had deposited a large sum of money based on this advice, then that manager or advisor would become your hero. But don’t be deluded.

submitted by /u/FXgram_
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