[WHAT IF] You Had The Balls To Hold HP Shares?

It’s September 4, 2001. The market’s a fucking mess, and you decide to go all-in, buying a single HP share for $23. Why? Because HP just announced they’re gobbling up Compaq for $25 billion. Wall Street’s shitting bricks over it, screaming that it’s a dumpster fire waiting to happen. But you? You’ve got the fucking guts to see past the bullshit. Fast forward to September 2002. The market’s in the shitter, and HP’s stock plummets to $11. The dot-com crash is still fucking everything up, and HP’s CEO, Carly Fiorina, is getting grilled for this Compaq disaster. Analysts are yelling at you to sell, cut your losses, and get the hell out. But no, you hang on. You’ve got balls of steel and the foresight to know this storm is temporary. Now, here’s where it gets fucking wild. It’s August 19, 2004. HP drops an earnings report that’s uglier than a pile of dog shit. They missed targets, the Compaq integration is a shitshow, and the stock dives to $18. Most people panic and sell off, but you’re not most people. You’re a fucking shark, and you know that the real money’s made when everyone else is pissing their pants. Jump to 2015—HP splits into two companies: HP Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). Your single share now morphs into two. HP Inc. (HPQ): Trading at $34.81 as of August 2024. That’s a comeback worth a goddamn standing ovation. Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE): Now at $17.51. Not bad for a company that was supposed to be dead in the water. So where does that leave you now in 2024? Your $23 gamble in 2001 is now worth $52.32. Yeah, you more than doubled your money just doing nothing, all while the weaklings bailed. But let’s get real—if you had thrown down $1,000 instead of just buying that single share, you’d be sitting on over $2,276 today, and that’s not even counting the dividends. Fucking right you’d be rich. The lesson? When the market’s shaking, you don’t run—you fucking double down on what you believe in and ride that wave straight to the top. submitted by /u/caps-unlock [link] [comments]