
Work, guys, is all about “butt” hours. It’s like when you’re reading a higher math textbook and then doing your homework. No super-efficient productivity hacker can help you here. Tony Robbins won’t help you either. Time management isn’t necessary: you just sit and get to it. You don’t need magical 25-minute intervals (like the popular “working” life hack called the Pomodoro Technique).

In reality, you don’t need extra notes or summaries. You don’t need any dumbed-down videos. You don’t need colorful markers to highlight an important formula in yellow because all the formulas are important. No one can master higher math using some clever trick. Everyone learns the same way. How? By doing the damn work. You need a textbook, a pen, paper, and time.

Any extra gimmicks, gadgets, and tools will worsen the result. It might seem like they make the work faster, but no. They might make you do SOMETHING faster. But that something is NOT the work. Get it? They’ll take your time, sure. They’ll give you some result. Just not the result you needed when you sat down with the textbook. Yes, the problem from the textbook will be solved. But you won’t learn how to solve it faster.

Building a new startup? It’s the same deal. Listen to your users. All the time. Every day. Then sit down and write a code. This, of course, brings to mind scenes from the movie “The Social Network,” where Zuckerberg rushes off to code a new feature about who’s dating or breaking up. So, let all your employees join in and do the same. Repeat endlessly.

Many think startups are wildly complex. In some ways (like the risk of going insane), they are. But in another sense, they’re simple: you just do three things over and over for a long time. Sell. Code. Hire. Repeat the next day. You can’t build a startup by watching YouTube videos. Now, I hope you understand what I mean. You can only build a startup by delivering a working code. All you need is a laptop and maybe a transport pass if you write your code in the office.

submitted by /u/FXgram_
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